Sunday, November 23

my dream.

Yes, I'm still gone, but I borrowed my dad's laptop to post about my dream because I'll probably forget by the time I get home. It was one of the weirest dreams I've ever had in my life, and that's saying something.
So I was running around a park thing with Rianna, and there were all these signs saying stuff like, "Rian and Kris rule!" Then we randomly won a contest and were shipped off to a haunted house on some island in South America. But Rianna wasn't even with me in the Haunted house. It was me, my brother, and some other random people. So we all went to sleep, and slept on the couch together because we were scared, except fr one kid. He slept in some random bedroom with the door closed. So in the morning, I woke up and went to wake him up. He got out of bed and was closing his door, when the house started filling with water. It was a two story house, and it was filling up house. So I grabbed one of those foldy tables and smashed the window to let the water out. But then the lady who owned the house got mad at me for breaking her window and she started throwing dishes and stuff at me. So I was trying to protect myself with the table, but it had become soft, like a blanket. Then I started whipping the lady with it and she kept getting mad, then she disappeared. That was the end of the dream.
Yep..It was very weird. Well, I'd better go now. We have to check out of the hotel at noon and hopefully we get to go to the Barnes and Noble! It's awesome and has two stories.

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