Thursday, November 20


that's today's word. because today was pointless. we learned some kind of proof in geometry that almost put me to sleep, in gym we just dressed out and sat around, in geography took notes we started 2 weeks ago and after lunch we had a "dance off" because the teacher left the class, and in english there was a debate between like, 4 people in the whole class. i sat there eating Cheetos (the flaming hot version) and basically not doing anything. So on the bus one of my friends told me three jokes. i'm only going to tell two, but if you REALLY want to know, cbox or comment.
Joke 1:
Two peanuts were walking down the street, and one of them was assaulted.

Joke 2:
A guy walked into a bar, sat down, and ordered his drink. The barkeeper went away to get it, and the guy hears, "Hey. Nice shirt." He looks around to see who said that, but there wasn't anyone around that could have said that. So when the barkeeper comes back, he asks, "Hey- did you see who told me 'Nice shirt'?" The barkeeper responds, "Oh yeah. It was the peanuts. They're complementary!"

get 'em? assaulted, like, a Salted? yeah. and complementary- complementary peanuts... yeah. they may be bad, but they were funny. So if you want to hear the third one, comment or cbox... and i'll probably tell kristin, so if she remembers and she happens to know, yeah. but commenting is better... unless you decide to check the cbox like, every 15 minutes... yeah. or if you happen to know my email (stalkers!) or my HOME phone number (SUPER STALKERS!) then you can reach me there. or if you have my myspace (AH!) or facebook (SUPER AH!) then yeah. YOU STALKERS!!! I'M SCARED NOW!!!!! bLaH. what can i say? I'm a paranoid person. ya never know... until you know. loti. NEVER SAY NEVER CUZ NEVER'S JUST EVER WITH AN N IN FRONT OF IT!!!! :] O.o
tZvR (is probably being stalked... even though she's at home.)

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