Wednesday, July 30


Hello, Donut!
TOMORROW IS A HOLIDAY! Tomorrow, July 31, 2008, Is "Annual Laugh Until Your Dog Looks At You Funny" day. so that's what i'm gonna do. just sit near my dog and laugh about random things... i'm gonna do weird things and have other people look at me funny, and that'll make me laugh, and then hopefully my dog will look at me funny. I have a bullmastiff... he's very big... and i guess that makes him look mean???? Cuz everytime he's around little dogs, the owners say something like, "Wow! Your dog could eat mine for a snack!" and if my dog makes any sudden movements towards theirs, they pick it up and run away. It's kinda funny. BUT ANYWAY!... yeah. If you don't have a dog, go to a friend's house that has (a) dog(s). It could be very fun. Once your dog looks at you funny, don't just give up for the rest of the day! OOH! I SMELL A CONTEST! ok. For the whole day, keep track of how many times your dog looks at you when you laugh. You must STOP laughing after everytime, and then you can start as soon as he/she looks away. At the end of the day, comment here on how many times. The person who ACTUALLY participated (yes, I AM aware that there might be cheaters) wins. What you win, i'm not sure yet. OOH! I'll give you some cookies. yes. that's the prize. cookies. You can ask for whatever kind you want, and i'll try to get them to you... Ok. We'll arrange to get you cookies if you win the competition. Remember! This holiday is TOMORROW, so no starting before then... and get some sleep tonight. Don't stay up til midnight trying to make your dog look at you... that is just dumb. so ok. It's been decided. Can't wait for tomorrow, now!
Look out for lemons!
Rian (Emi-chan)
hehe. watch as you see all these people walking their dogs and laughing. That'll be kinda funny... if anyone decides to participate... :)

1 people were awesome enough to comment.:

Anonymous said...

haha i will win this :)
i see you!
im going to kidnap your bunny :O