Saturday, August 2


That was a siren noise, in case you couldn't tell. I'm blogging because I'm bored. I'm bored because my mom didn't want to stand in line to wait for Breaking Dawn, so i have to wait til tomorrow. And because all the stories on Fanfiction are starting to sound the same- boring. No offense to anyone. Right now I'm listening to my favorite Hannah Montana song, Rock Star. The funny thing is that you could turn on almost any song, and I would know most of the lyrics. That's what I've done this summer. I turn the radio on in my room, then I get on the computer and listen to music, then if a song I like comes on the radio, I run in there, dance randomly, then run back in here. Today I went to Target and I saw the space where the Secondhand Serenade cd should have been, but it was sold out. So I couldn't get it. :( Now I don't have anything good to blog about. I just finished texting my friend Kimberly about random stuff, and my brother is watching stupid stick figure videos on youtube. Speaking of him, that link under the cbox is to his "blog". He started it about two days after Ri and I started this one. They never post. We had 65 posts in July, at least, I think so, and he's had about 4 all together. Rian's brother posts on there sometimes too. More like once. Oh yeah! Be happy and celebrate! We just got our 300th hit!! Yay! I don't mind if someone wants to come celebrate with me. By the way, if you're ever on the cbox and you see some weird names, don't post saying, "Hey, where are you guys? All I see are some weird japanese people." And yes, someone said this. Well, not this exact thing, since I can't remember, but it had the same effect. Yeah. I'm Hoshi-chan, which means star, and Ri's Emi-chan, and I can't remember exactly what it means right now. I'm too lazy to look it up. We were bored, and slightly obsessed with anime and mangas, so we made up japanese names. Don't be afraid to talk to us because we're weird. And yes, I said that. It's even in our slogan. Witness our Weirdness. I came up with that by the way. Now, I know nobody is probably reading this random long blog, but I don't care. I've told you a million times, and I'll tell you again. I LIKE TO WRITE. Speaking of which, I'm bored. I'm also paranoid, so I won't post my stories on the internet because I'm scared someone will steal them. If you ask nicely, I might give you a summary, though. This paranoia is like the one of going into tube slides. I cannot stand them, and I always think they're going to fill with water. Don't blame me, it's not my fault. Yeah. Now that I've talked about every single thing possible, I'll be quiet. No, wait! I forgot! I've been looking for the moon these past few days, and I can't find it. I know it might be the new moon (go twilight! Can't wait for Breaking Dawn. I'm also writing a story that has to do with this), but it's been almost a week, and usually the new moon only lasts around 3 days. Speaking of, yesterday, we were playing scrabble, and I was beaten by the last second by my dad. BY ONE POINT. But that's only because I couldn't do anything because I only had one letter left and i was a Q!!! How horrible is that?! It was very annoying. In case you hadn't noticed, I randomly switch topics by saying stuff like, "Which reminds me," and "Speaking of," and the topics have nothing to do with each other. I've been typing this for at least ten minutes, so I think I'm done. And this time, I really do fear that I've taken up the whole blog. To anyone who wants to read the other posts, scroll down to the bottom, and click the OLDER POSTS button. Yeah. I guess I'll stop now.

Listening to That's Just The Way We Roll by the Jonas Brothers, and thinking about how it's like our theme song, and speaking of songs, listen to our new song of the month, Twinkle My Heart,

1 people were awesome enough to comment.:

Rian said...

emi-chan means smile!! :D