Friday, September 12


Hello Donut!!!
it's the weekend.
yep. that's all i have to say today. for now, at least...
OH WAIT!! i just remembered this HILARIOUS conversation we had in my Student Leadership class today... here: (well, it's actually only bits and pieces of it just cuz i don't have a good memory... if any one out there is in Dr. Igo's B3 class and remembers, comment!!)
So we were going over vocabulary, and we got to ostentatious. So he asked my friend Jen to go up and demonstrate being ostentatious. she did, but he said it wasn't right, so Alee went up there and demonstrated ARROGANT, not ostentatious. so he told them both to sit down, and demonstrated for us. "OH MY GOD! DID I TELL YOU ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED?!" and OMC his facial expression was SO FUNNY! his eyes were all wide, he looked SERIOUS, and his arms were waving all over the place. Ostentatious means to make a big deal for no reason, pretty much, so he was acting like an overly dramatic theater kid. too funny. the whole class was LAUGHING so HARD it was like, HILARIOUS!!! (see?! i can be ostentatious :P - only i burst out laughing when i do that...) so we moved on to the next word. Insipid. He said Ryan (A.) was insipid. Ryan asked, "you think i'm boring? lifeless? dull?" and Dr. Igo went on to explain how insipid is like just being there. it has no positive nor negative impact; it's just taking up space. so Ryan is just taking up space. so we were laughing hard AGAIN, and Dr. Igo looked over in the general direction of the room i was sitting in, and he spotted my friend Andrea who's face was SO RED! he called her a stopsign, which made HER feel bad, but EVERYONE (including Andrea) was laughing AGAIN!! it was too funny. Dr. Igo even made a list- Roland is taciturn (a person who DOESN'T SPEAK), Alee's ostentatious, Ryan is insipid, and Ryan (F.) is short. loto. ok. this post turned out WAY longer than i thought it would. so now i'm going to go eat a snack before i start my english and geomotry projects, along with my student leadership homework. yeparoo.
Look out for lemons, hitchhiking forks, and rusty sporks!! (help Spoonman!!)
tZvR (RIAN!!)

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