Sunday, October 12

Insanity Monthly, Issue 4

Hello Donut!!
Blah. I'm bored, and realized that i hadn't done an insanity post for this month. whoops. WHY DIDN'T YOU REMIND ME?! lotio, jk. So yeah. Because I forgot, that can only mean ONE THiNG. NOTHING INSANE HAS HAPPENED!!!!! AH!!!! i guess it's cuz everyone is waiting for Halloween to be crazy insane. Of course, we WILL do a Halloween post... OOH! i'll do mine after trick or treating (there is NO WAY ANYONE can be too old for that- it's awesome.) and tell you guys about random costumes i saw. yeah. ANYWAYS!, if you REALLY want insanity, just read the blog. no kidding. or you can talk to us on the cbox... sometimes we get bored. and end up being attacked by armies of flying pigs. or nondangerous weiner dogs. or we just start talking to ourselves. Actually, fine, that's mostly just me. but ya know what?! loti. ok. OR, you could listen to these songs! (yesh, i REALIZE that you people/aliens/creatures/dancers/whatever you are out there may have heard of these songs! and love them! tis O.K.! i like them too!!!! well, most of them anyway. you can listen to them anyway then!!!!!!!!)

Rock Lobster
Chop Suey (try singing along... tis VERY hard. unless of course you've sang it on expert in Rockband for the wii... yeah. didn't think so. :P let me know if you have though!((and got a score of 80 or above... =.=)))
Closing Time
Doesn't Remind Me (i like the guitar part... listen. tis cool. but the MUSIC VIDEO... wOw. talk about a whole nother story. lotio nother. weird word.)

And since I can't think of any more songs, i will end this part of the "blog magazine".
Look out for lemons, hitchhiking forks, and rusty sporks!! (help Spoonman!)
tZvR (RiAN!!)

End Part 1 of Insanity Monthly: Issue 4: 10:25 AM, October 12, 2008


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