Monday, October 27

My awesome, weird, crazy, super exciting and totally hilarious day.

This was and is the craziest day in my I've ever had in my entire life. I swear, I'll never drink orange juice before going to bed again. Wow...Well, I guess I'd better explain. 

First off- it was freezing today. And I had to wait outside for the bus...Yeah. So I got on the bus and we went to pick up this guy and his sister at the next stop. When we got to the stop after that, he guy randomly jumps up and runs off the bus. His sister was like, "Woah! Where's he going?"
So the bus driver drove around in circles and eventually came back to the guy's house where we find him talking on the phone and carrying a textbook or binder or something. I don't know, it was dark. So we finish picking everyone else up and my friend says she feels sick, so the bus driver turns around and starts going back to her house, which is as far away as a house could possibly get! He gets off the bus at her house and starts talking to her mom. The tardy bell rings at 7:30. It was 7:00 then. Of course, on the way, we get stuck in traffic. I got to school TWO MINUTES before the bell rang. And of course, I have the crazy teacher who locks tardy people outside the classroom. I was almost sprinting through the hallways, which were still surprisingly full. 
I barely made it, but I did. And almost as soon as I sit down, she tells us we have a new seating chart and I have to move all the way across the room. Other than that, speech was pretty normal. Lots of work. Lots of writing...When I write, my pinky just goes numb...ish, because I write so much. Especially with all the school stuff that's going on. 
So next was journalism, and my teacher has some weird nerve thing wrong with his arm so he can't move it. He said he woke up on Saturday and it was like that. There is this really weird girl in my class...Let me explain.
One day, she keeps asking to borrow my pencil (i may have already posted about this, but deal with it), and I keep saying sure, even though I'm trying to write. Then, when I'm in the middle of the sentence, ( dad is mad, so i had to go downstairs and cook dinner and wash dishes...not fun. And Jason has problems since he NEVER closes the door when he takes out the trash. It's freezing outside! It probably doesn't help that I'm wearing shorts...and a tank top...and I left my blanket on the couch. Yeah, back to the story) she asks again, and I said no. This is what she said : "Man, I hate you!"
Then today, she comes up to me and goes, "What's your problem? I'm gonna beat you in the face! You heard me, I'm gonna beat you in the face!"
And I just sat there, blinking, like, "What the heck?"
So then, while she was talking to this guy, he said something and then she turned to me and said, "She's rolling her eyes at you."
So the guy turns around and looks at me. I didn't say anything. And once again, the girl says, "See! She did it again!"
I started to ignore her.
Then, as I was walking to World Geography, she comes up beside me and says, "You know I'm just joking, right?"
I didn't say anything.
"Do you think I'm scary? Or weird?" she asked.
"Well, you're definitely weird," I answered. She laughed and walked away.
World Geography was super crazy and hilarious...
Well first, Rianna and I exchanged notebooks- so she could read what I had written, etc- and we usually read while paying attention to whatever our crazy teacher had to say. But today he was in a horrible mood, so he got mad at us, luckily, he didn't say our names, and made us watch a stupid movie about South America. The rules:
1. Nothing on your desk
2. No reading
3. You can't put your head down
4. If you do, the whole class has to take notes
5. No talking

It was very annoying because the movie was super boring and I really wanted to just lay down and sleep. But then everyone in that class probably would have hated me forever...After the movie, we went to lunch.
On our way, this girl with a camera stopped us because Rianna and I were wearing matching shirts. This week is red ribbon week, and today the thing was dress like your best friend. And last year, Rian and I coincidentally ended up with the same shirt. So the girl took a picture of us, and asked us some questions. Maybe we'll be in the yearbook! You know I've NEVER been in the yearbook? Other than my normal picture and whatever organizational stuff. Actually, my mom is in the yearbook more than me! It's really weird. 
So we went to lunch, and lots of weird random stuff happened...I don't exactly remember it all. During my uncoordinated struggle, I knocked over my water bottle and his my elbow on my chair. Hard. It's days like these that it's a wonder I don't get hit by a bus. Hehe...So after lunch we went back to World Geography, and our teacher was better...a bit. A bunch of random hilarious stuff happened. I missed two questions on my quiz because I wasn't paying attention. One because I left an l off the last word. And another because I didn't notice that number nine was blue, and talking about the Amazon River, not the Brazilian Highlands or whatever...ugh.
So then, we were walking to math and my friend was texting her mom...Nothing else really happened. Math was pretty normal, except the making fun of the teacher part...Well, I should get started on my homework. Relating to this topic, today in journalism, I wrote a column about teachers and how they get on my nerves. Alot.
I promise, I'll stop writing now. This is super long. Oh yeah...Birthday shoutout.



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