Wednesday, October 1

oh yeah.

I totally forgot to talk about this! Well, today I finished Brisingr, and let one of my friends borrow it. I thought it was good, but the ending was horrible. It just stopped in the middle of the story. And I have no idea how it and Twilight, which my cousin is borrowing, will fit on my bookshelf. I'm going to have to do some rearranging. 

Today, I was bored on the bus, when I wasn't talking to people, and I decided to try something. I was thinking about how you get attached to characters and they almost become real people. So I tried to write a short story about the death of a character. It was really interesting and gave me a chance to see the softer side of Rob (one of my characters). I procrastinated the whole thing, though, because I really didn't want Roxie (the other character) to die. But she did, at the very end. It was a very interesting experience.
Well, I think that's all. Just finished listening to Heels Over Head by Boys Like Girls, and now listening to Flavor of the Week, by American Hi-Fi, which I think is a very odd name for a band.

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