Tuesday, November 18

COMMAS, and other random randomness

yeah. one of my friends likes commas. so... ok. i know it's random, but do you think i care? no. not really. not at all, actually. :] ok. so i'm in a slightly better mood... all i have to do today for homework is write four cards for math (not too bad) which i already finished. now i just have to skim 411 pages in this 800 page book that i was supposed to have read by tomorrow, but of course, because i had to read it for an assignment, i read it REALLY slow. and it took me three hours to read two chapters. no kidding. so i'm skimming. yay! i like skimming... it's really fun. but then you see random things and you have NO CLUE what's going on... loti. guess what i did today!? I READ THE MAXIMUM RIDE MANGA! in kristin's YEN+ MAGAZINE!!! yay!!!!! i also read a new one for me- One Fine Day. I really like it- tis HILARIOUS!!! It's about No-ah, Rang (a mouse girl), Guru (her older brother- a cat dude), and... darn. i can't remember his name... but it's another brother and a dog boy. yeah. arg. now it's gonna bug me until I figure out his name. NANAI! i remembered. yay me! ya know, so far, i've used only 10 commas. i'm sorry, friend... that is, IF you're reading this. That'd be nice if you were... and then you could comment!! YESH! :] ok. well, i've gotta get to skimming- I wana be done before 5:30 ish... but not right now. I'm going to have a snack. If i can find one. blah. FRESHILICIOUS! sry. that was random. i just remembered it though. you know what's fun? trying to get people to say/spell honorificabilitudinitatibus (on-er-if-ick-uh-bill-ih-tood-ee-nee-tat-uh-bus). hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, too. bLaH. i like dinosaurs. i want to make a GINORMOUS chocolate chip cookie. like, i just envisioned it and EVERYTHING. it looked awesome. ok. Mr. Tummy is hungry. If Mr. Tummy no get food, he gets CRANKY. lotio. so i'm gonna go get Mr. Tummy some food... yay food!
tZvR (and one very cranky Mr. Tummy) :]

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