Saturday, March 28


I guess I haven't posted in a while...well, if you count a few days as a while...i do.
there's no reason, i guess. just busy being busy with stuff I really didn't want to do. oversleeping and missing the bus. staying up til midnight trying to print a paper. two days in a row. 
And then the track don't even want to know about that.
But whatever. I'm going to tell you anyways.
So we leave class around 11:30 to go the gym, where we were supposed to be getting on the bus. We didn't get on until at least noon. And we went to the field house, where we stayed for about an hour, because our coach was afraid the bus was going to break down, and we had to wait on another one. So we get to the track where the meet is being held around one thirty, i think, and it's sprinkling a bit. The track sucks, by the way. One TINY set of bleachers only...
So we get under the bleachers and set our stuff up there, so we don't have to worry about the rain. Or, we wouldn't have had to if it hadn't started pouring, and the bleachers hadn't started leaking. So we ran for cover. The only cover that DIDN'T leak was under the press box, which was about a 10 by 4 foot space. Imagine over a hundred people trying to fit under there. we couldn't even set our stuff down because the water that was leaking for the bleachers rolled down under there, making the ground wet. So our backs hurt too.
It continued pouring for about thirty minutes, and during this time, some people ran for cover at the nearby school. We didn't because they were still in school and wouldn't let us there was no point. so when it finally stopped raining, we went up in the bleachers, which were wet, and sat down. They announced that field events were cancelled, for the second meet in a row, and that the 3200 (two mile) would be starting at three. 
So then it started getting really sunny and hot.
That would be great, if the announcer dude would STOP insulting the runners and playing stupid techno dance music in other languages. He also played the chicken dance and the national anthem, and our coach made us stand up for that.
Then, someone yelled, "OH MY GOSH!" And pointed at the sky...guess what was coming towards us.
If you guessed a gigantic black cloud, you win virtual cookies. Have fun eating.
So then, all of a sudden it gets freezing cold and super windy, and the black cloud covers up the sun. And it stays that way. It was actually 47 degrees...
After that I ran, in the cold, went home, and ate chili dogs. Yay.
It was a weird day. Actually, it was a weird week.
Yesterday, I was turning in my newspaper and yearbook staff application to
 my journalism teacher, and he looks at it and...well, here's our conversation:

Him (no, not from PPG*)- Kristin? You're turning in one of these
Me: Yeah...
Him: Wow. Well, if you have any friends that are just like you, though I'm not sure that's possible, can you get them to join too?
Me: uh....yeah.

It was weird. I think that's all I have to say right now...oh yeah! You should see my awesometastical picture! I was bored, so I did some editing...on paint, the master of all picture editing programs. 

Beginning picture I stole from the manga I'm reading at the moment, which I really recommend, Parfait Tic:

Click to make bigger...
Now, for my creation:

Once again, click to make bigger.
Also, I'm working on a colored's not as good, but whatever. Here's the pic: know the drill with the clicking.
Just in case you didn't know, I'm kind of a computer geek. So ask me if you need help with anything. :)
So...I'm going to stop typing now. I think this post is long enough to make up for my absence. 

*PPG is powerpuff girls...
EDIT: I lied... my pics can't be enlarged anymore than you'll just have to settle for that size. Have fun!

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