Wednesday, April 15

I can think of 100 ways to kill you right now.

only 7 of them involve beavers.

12 of them involve little dogs (Yorkies, to be exact) with smiling faces.

the rest involve... well... i'm not going to tell you. that would take out all the fun! :)

ok. apparently, there are beavers in our neighborhood?? and they're disturbing people?? & they've had a professional trapper out here for half a year & they STILL haven't caught the beavers. hey- it's cuz they're "trapwise". :)

so right now i'm watching Cloverfield... it just started, & all these people randomly carrying cameras EVERYWHERE is bugging me. oh well. :)

also, i'm going to write a fictional story involving some of the truth, but not all of it. it's gonna be AWESOME! :)

Thus the Bard continues watching the movie and starts to type up a story.
... did i really need you to say that? & since when am i a "bard"?!

Rian (thinks narrators are cool, but doesn't like them narrating her life. and thinks that cloverfield [well, this party at the beginning, anyway] plays some pretty awesome music)

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