Monday, May 4

My Life As A Rhombus

i swear that's a book... really weird title.
so i went to the library today (yay!) and that's where i saw ^^ that.
i got:

  1. a book i already read: The Name of This Book Is Secret by Pseudonymous Bosch
  2. The sequel to Skulduggery Pleasant, Playing With Fire.
  3. The third book in the Fablehaven series... which name I can't remember
  4. The sequel to The Alchemist, The Magician. (i stole kristin's The Alchemist)
so yeah. i'm reading the second one on the list first, because i read that first book a while back. i always do that- if i get a number of sequels (or anything after that), i read them in the order of "if-i-read-that-first-book-before-the-other-first-books". see, it makes sense to me, it's just hard to put into words. :P
anyway, so far, Playing With Fire is HILARIOUS! no kidding. i'll give some quotes.

"I am turning murder into an art form. When I- when i kill, I'm actually painting a big, big picture, using blood and, and... messiness. You know?"
"Have you killed anyone?"
"What? Did you miss what I said, about turning murder into an art form?"
"But you haven't actually killed anyone yet, have you? I read your file."
"Technically, yeah, all right, maybe I haven't, but tonight's the night."
dude gets beat up, says "i'll kill you both!" gets beat up again, starts whining about a broken nose, talks about how he's the "Killer Supreme" and junk. then he starts bawling like a baby. yeah... funnier part.
"Was it a test? I mean, I know I'm still new at this, I'm still the rookie. Did you hang back to test me, to see if I'd be able to handle it alone?"
"Well, kind of. Actually, no, nothing like that. My shoelace was untied. That's why I was late. That's why you were alone."
"I could have been killed because you were tying you shoelace?"
"An untied shoelace can be dangerous. I could have tripped."
'She stared at him. A moment dragged by.
"I'm joking."
"Absolutely. I would never have tripped. I'm far too graceful."

Ok, it was funny to me. I don't care if you didn't think it was funny, i thought it was, so i put it here :)
i've been doing that, you know. putting things here because i'm too lazy to go find it again, so i put it here. then i can find it EASILY. :P i'm so so lazy

Rian (is going to bed. goodnight)

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