Monday, June 29

About my super awesome reading power

If you don't know what I'm talking about, reread my first post from today... So, I was just gonna mention some stuff about it. Well, it's kinda random, but I was think that my super awesome reading power (sapr) is pretty cool. Of course, when you're reading something like Maximum Ride or Twilight, you kinda know who the main character is gonna end up with. The funny thing is that Harry Potter is pretty much the only series to surprise me! At least, partly. I kinda had a hunch about Hermione and Ron (deeply sorry if you haven't read the seventh book yet, but it's almost been out a year now!), but Harry and Ginny caught me completely off guard! I mean, they tell you she likes him at the beginning (the second book), but you never know how he feels until...maybe the fifth, when she starts going out with random people, and then the sixth, when they kiss...and in case you couldn't tell by this post, I have read HP WAYYYYY too many times, since I know exactly in what books certain things happened. But whatever. This post is totally random and pointless...just a look into my mind, i guess. Which every post should be, actually...since the blog is called INTHEMINDSOFKNR. Since I mentioned it, I guess I should tell you where the blog name came from. So, in English one day, eighth grade, I believe, we were in the computer lab, writing. And, of course, we had to cite our sources. And since I had just randomly come up with some of the stuff, I put "inthemindofk" as my source. And then I thought, oh, this sounds like a blog name! And thus, the blog was born! Well, actually it wasn't for about four more months or so. But you get the point. Um...bedtime for me. Btw, I'm reading a story called California Dreaming on fp this time. It's pretty good, but I'm not done yet, so no recommendations.


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