Oh yeah...I remembered what I was going to post about(because I forgot earlier). So... there's this totally awesome laptop I want to buy...hold on, and I'll get the link. Actually, you don't have to hold on. Because it's not like you're reading this in real time. But whatever.
I hope the link is right. Yeah, but it's totally awesome. Not to mention it's small, which is a plus for me. So I'm hoping I can get it by the end of the summer...which I can do if I earn two hundred more dollars and don't buy anything...which means I have to have super self control! because I see things I want to buy ALL the time. For example: awesome neon notebooks I'll need when my current one is filled with story ideas and stuff; pencils, since mine always get lost; more notebooks; socks, which I can't resist; and more. You get the point, though, right?
The cool thing is, I can get most of this money by saving change...we went to the Coinstar change to bill machine thingy today and me and my brother emptied our piggy banks (which aren't shaped like pigs, but beary bank sounds idiotic). My brother got thirteen dollars, because he's always spending stuff on games and buying candy. I got thirty eight dollars because I actually SAVE my money. And the funny thing is, I found another piggy bank (this time in the shape of Tweety's head) on the top shelf of my closet.
On a totally unrelated topic, my inbox is insane. You see, I organize it in folders, so I have the normal Inbox, which contains everything, the Fanfiction one, which just has updates for fanfics in it, and the blog one, which has all the blog stuff like comments and whatnot. And recently(since May 25th, actually), I've been ignoring my fanfiction updates because I didn't want to read them. So I had about three hundred unread emails...and yesterday, I decided to finally go through them. It is so crazy! I'm down to 116 now, which is amazing. I might actually get finished tonight! Woah...I jsut realized how late it was. I was just thinking it was like, ten or something, and it's past midnight! Oopsies...
Whatever. I guess I should stop typing now, huh? I'll get back to my fanfictions.
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