Wednesday, July 8

Tybalt & Bits!

yeah... Tybalt. hahaha

anyway... i'm not gonna talk Romeo & Juliet, i promise.

In order to sound like the stalker I am, I must say that the dude with the car (the 16 year old) just recently got out of jail... yeah. I would say more, but that'd be like, Super Stalker, which is Kristin hahaha
and in other news >.>;;
Last night I watched the movie Snow Day! It's pretty hilarious, I must say. And it's got a stalker even bigger than Kristin in there!!! hahahaha.
and no one cares about the kids... well, except for Randall Branston (horrible name...)- his mom cares about him... and maybe the Snowplow Man cares about the kids... i'm not sure. :)
anyway, if you get the chance, watch it! :D
Rian (Oh my darlin', Oh my darlin', Oh my darlin' Clementine, You are lost and gone forever, dreadful sorry, Clementine!)

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