Friday, July 10


Man, I love that...nonword.
This post is mainly going to be me blabbing on and on about how awesome it is that my current story is the longest so far (which is usually how things like this work). So if you don't want to listen to me blab, i suggest you stop reading. Just this post, not the blog. No one go around telling people that I told them to stop reading MY blog. That would be stupid.
Now, onto the blabbing.
My story is in it's third notebook (!?) and I only have about three pages left until I have to start a fourth! (can you tell how excited this makes me?) Also, it's like...280 pages long. I'm nearing the end, but that doesn't mean much, considering it takes me SO long to write endings. It's because I have to go slowly and make sure they make sense, and sometimes I just don't want the story to end, so I drag it out...But anyways. I should be done before school starts.
The only REAL problem for me, which most people probably won't see as a problem, is that I get SO attached to my characters. It would probably kill me to kill one of them, and that wouldn't do anyone any good. So I try to avoid killing. Also, if you join us on the cbox sometimes, you'll see some...odd names. Some of them are names of characters I'm particularly attached to. And when I say attached to, I mean it. I wrote their story, 175 pages of actiony goodness, last summer, and every few weeks I still feel the need to write short stories about them. Even though it's not my longest story, it's certainly my favorite, and possibly my best. But anyways, the story I'm writing now has pretty awesome characters, but the only problem is that there's ALOT. It was unavoidable, though, with the circumstances.
The most fun part for me, is coming up with mental images of characters and forming their histories. I love it, because then you know why they are the way they are. Writing just makes everything make sense.
Well, if you've even read this far, you've probably had enough of my random ranting. If not, be sure to let me know. I'm sure I could go on for hours. It's been done before...but that's more so when I'm talking to people.
Seriously, you should never get me started on things like that. Because I will go on and on. Another topic to avoid if you're short on time is stuff about space, or scifi-ish stuff. You know, asking me if I think time travel is possible (yes), about black holes, the formation of the universe, aliens, wormholes; stuff like that. I've seriously talked people to sleep. Well, it wasn't all my fault, considering that it was probably three in the morning, dark, and it was my cousin, who can fall asleep at a moments notice.
See, here I go again. Rambling off on some random topic that only has the slightest bit to do with the original topic. But whatever. I'll stop now.

1 people were awesome enough to comment.:

Rian said...

i'm assuming this isn't the one you told me about- where they get married.
gah! why didn't you TELL me you were writing another one?!
well, i mean, i guess i kinda knew you were, seeing as i know you (:P) but hey! so now when i come to spend the night (maybe possibly sunday night- monday?!), i'll read and we'll write, and you can ramble. and of course, eat. we'll both do that :)