Saturday, August 15

The next one should be called, "The Chocolate Factory"

"I think I'm gonna be sea sick."

"Ok, here. Try one of these."
"What are they?"
"They're Rainbow Drops. You suck on them for a while, and then you can spit in seven different colors."
"Spitting is a bad habit," she says, while picking her nose.
"I know a worse one."

Gah. I'm watching Willie Wonka & The Chocolate Factory. It's soooo hilarious. Though I must say, I like the cast from Charlie & the Chocolate Factory better. My suggestions: a) take out Willie from Charlie & exchange with Willie in Willie Wonka, (if that makes any sense, but i don't feel like typing out the whole explanation, so i'm not gonna... sorry), and b) dress the Charlie Oompa-Loompas as the Willie Wonka Oompa-Loompas. And that would make the best The Chocolate Factory cast EVER! :D
hahaha >.<
so... yuh.
Rian (wants a rainbow drop... it'd be soooo amazing! :D)

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