Sunday, August 10

People at Parks

So today we went to the park, and I saw some people that looked like characters from books. 

First is a girl that looked like Nancy Drew. She was there with some guy, who I guess could have been Ned (Nickerson), but I have no idea what he looks like, so I don't know. Then, there was a guy taking pictures of them (I have no idea why they were at a park for that, but whatever), and he looked like Fang from Maximum Ride! It was so weird. Except, he was probably 20 or so. Then, there was this girl who looked like Angel (MR), but her hair was straight. Next is Iggy, but the guy was kinda five feet or something. But he still looked like him. Then there was this little kid running around that looked like how I imagined Ari would be before he was Eraser-fied. And last, but not least, there was a lady sitting and reading a book that looked like Dr. Martinez. Or Anne. I couldn't decide which. 
There. I just typed a whole paragraph about random people I saw at the park. What I still don't understand is what that couple was doing taking pictures at a park. My guess was that they were wedding pictures, or something, but I don't know...they were kinda young. Like eighteen or so. But I guess it's none of my business.
Getting ready for ABC tomorrow,

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