Thursday, August 14

Weird Error Messages- and some new stuff!

Okay. So I found these weird error messages. I'm going to post four of my favorites.

4. Error 0000: No errors found, restarting computer

3. Error: Keyboard not found. Press F1 to continue.

2. Your mouse is not working, please click here to acknowledge.

And my all time, personal favorite:

1. Error: Printer on Fire

Okay. Now I'm going to randomly talk about these because I feel like it.
4. Okay, so it says ERROR, then it says NO ERRORS FOUND. It's just contradicting itself.
3. Okay, so if it can't find your keyboard, how are you supposed to press F1? Who makes up these things?
2. Just like the last one. 
1. What kind of error message is that?! I find it strangely hilarious.

Okay. And, we got a new layout! Hope you like it!
Bored to death,

1 people were awesome enough to comment.:

Rian said...

wow. ok. so i still don't know how it can say error if there IS no error, and if the keyboard is missing, maybe u r sposed to put another one there... and idk HOW you can lose a mouse, unless it's a wireless one cuz u have a laptop (in that case you could click, but normally it wouldn't say mouse is not working...) and idk HOW the computer would know that the printer was on fire. yesh, it IS strangely hilarious. just like the rusty sporks. and hitchhiking forks. hey that rhymes! like... dimes?! :)
Rian (emi-chan)