Wednesday, September 10

A bunch of random stuff

Okay. Today was really weird and unpredictable, but it'll take all day for me to tell you. So I'm going to make a list! Yay lists!

1. I WANT TO HAVE 1000 HITS BY RIAN'S BIRTHDAY. We can get 100 hits in thirteen days, right? (woohoo for my birthday!!)
2. This random kid, (he's in my science class and ride's my bus-person1) who's name I won't tell you, came up to me, one of my friends (friend1), and my other friend(friend2) while we were in the library. First he was talking to friend1, then he "ruffled her hair", then he was like, "Aww, are you guys feeling left out?" So he "ruffled" our hair too. It was weird. (that's not creepy or anything, ya know?!)
3. Then, our teacher gave a test that no one knew about. She's my english teacher, the one that doesn't like contractions, and threatened to hit me with a stick.
4. Then I said something kinda funny. "By the end of the year, we're either going to be really strong or crippled." (right now, I'M crippled. seriously- i'm sitting on the floor right now, and i'm so stiff and sore i don't think i can get back up.)
5. There was some stuff that I don't really remember too...
6. OH YEAH! It's really weird to sit by someone you semi-don't know...
7. And friend one and I got orange cards!
8. okay, I think I'm done now. I've had Thunder(Lightning), by Boys like Girls in my head all day because I heard it this morning.
9. THEN there were only six people on the bus, and we talked about cheese, pizza, and a bunch of other random stuff... (what?! a randomly stuffed cheese pizza?! weird. what was it stuffed with? cheese? grapes? rice crispies?)
and editted by tZvR (RIAN!!) because kris can't spell (at the top, it said "but it take all day". so i fixed it, because i'm the kindest and most wonderful editor in the world ((that's younger than 14, at least...))) obviously I can't spell either, because i said "i randomly stuffed cheese pizza". no, i did NOT stuff the cheese pizza with cheese, grapes, or rice crispies. i meant to say A. so i fixed it. see? all better!

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