Tuesday, September 16


okay, so I was reading this manga online, and this girl is playing one of those crane game things. She's trying to get a bear, but she's really bad at it, so she keeps missing. Then this random guy comes up and presses the button. And a bunny comes out. And he goes, "This is it, right?! The one you wanted?!" And she says, "Actually, I wanted the teddy bear."

"WHAT?! THE ONE BESIDE IT?!" And then he's trying to find more money and get her the bear, but he only has dollar bills, so he's going to run off to the bill changer, but his mom drags him off. And the whole time he's like, "Remember me! I'll get it for you!"
It was weird. Remember, he's just some random guy off the street. She's never seen him before.
It was funny.

12 people were awesome enough to comment.:

TypingtoOblivion said...

That's so cute. I guess he had a crush on her. x3 What manga is that from? (

Rian said...

hi! thankz for commenting... what's on the sticks? is it candy? or food? i like food!! :)
tZvR (RIAN!!)
oh, and idk what manga it's from either.
sry. ask kris :)

Kris said...

i don't know! I already said,twice. yeah...oh! forgot the food. need to start on bio...yeah.

Anonymous said...

OMG I'M KRIS'S BIGGEST FAN!!!! i like that anime too even though I don't know what it is either... yeah! we don't have a website yet, but me and my friends created this club called KFC which is like, kentucky fried chicken, but it can also be Kris's fan club!!! we know SO MUCH about you!!! like you went to Kimberlin Academy for elementary school, Austin Academy for middle school, and is currently going to GHS where she's in journalism (we'd love to read your stories- we KNOW you write!) and dance even though she doesn't know why, and she plays piano and YES!!! and we also know that you're best friends with rian. she's ok. but not as great as YOU!!! oh wow. this is a long comment... i'll get the other members to comment too!!!
-Kris's #1 fan,

Kris said...

wow...i'm honored, I guess. Even though that is kinda stalkerish...You'd better not be doing this, Rian...
Wow. I didn't even know I had a #1 fan. or a fan club.

TypingtoOblivion said...

It's a snack (Japanese). They're squishy... Kind of like potatos. Dango!

Kris said...

sounds yummy...
have you ever had pawky. it is one of the awesomest things ever created.

Rian said...

potatoes are good. pawky is probably better. and NO i'm NOT doing the fan club thing... watch as MY fanclub (if i HaVE one) is like, some golf cult of something... loti
tZvR (RIAN!!)

Kris said...

that would be hilarious. it should be, like the tennis cult or something. yeah...pawky is better, but pasta is better than pawky! did you notice these all start with P?

Rian said...

hey amanda, join us tonight at 8:30, ok? on the cbox. we have awesome conversations then... it'll totally be cooler with u there... yep. it's dinner time. i'm eating. cya!
tZvR (RIAN!!)

Kris said...

you totally should! it'll be awesome!

DAS said...

weird story. kinda random though. interesting too.