Monday, September 1

Yay for Aliens!

Hello Donut!
Ok. Aliens are the awesomest. YESH awesomest :). Anyway, here's the palindrome:


yep. Ok. I just want to clear ONE little thing up. Alright, if it's an alien spaceship, it's NOT a UFO!!! UFO is an unidentified flying object (i know most of you already knew that, but just bear with me), and if it's an alien spaceship, then you've IDENTIFIED it, right? so it's NOT a UFO!!! :) Because of this, don't ask me WHY i'm gonna talk about aliens, then... oh, and just for the record- i've never had tofu before and i'm really not sure i want to try any. Anyway, Kris and I decided a LOOOOONNG LONG LONG LONG time ago (like, in 5th grade) that if any aliens were spying on people living on the wonderful planet of Terra Firma, we had hoped that if they're dangerous, they would spy on us and hopefully we would change their minds because we were so weird and crazy. If they were good aliens, we'd hoped that they would also spy on us, and they would love it because we were so weird and crazy. i know, it KINDA JUST A LITTLE doesn't make any sense, but yesh. For a while (in like, 4-5 grade), we actually pretended to be aliens... we came up with our own planets and languages, along with foods, religion, jobs, and phone numbers. crazy, right? we know. :)
Ok. i'm gonna state this again to wrap things up: Aliens are the awesomest!!! (but mostly the good ones.)
Look out for lemons, hitchhiking forks, and rusty sporks!! (help Spoonman!!)

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