Monday, October 6


I'm going to the fair today.

Yes, I know it's monday, but we actually get a day off(two really), to go to the fair. It's totally awesome. Rian's already there, but my mom had some stuff to do, so we'll go later on. I had the weirdest dream last night.
Rianna and I had lunch fourth period, which is last. We left the cafeteria, but were stuck behind these people who kept jumping up and grabbing the ceiling. Then we missed the bus, and were alerted by an announcement. Ri randomly disappeared, and I was with the weird jumping people. It was dark and we were standing outside, looking at the clouds. There were lots of them, and the moon was off to one side, full, but there was another light behind the clouds. Turns out it was an alien spaceship. That just happened to belong to the jumping people. There were three kids squished inside, and they got out and it turned into a car.
Then, we were at this Olympics thing and I was in some weird swimming/wakeboarding thing. I basically held the board and swam, but each lap, you had to swim with it differently. I ended up about two laps ahead of everyone else, but I was disqualified because I crossed lanes, so I lost.
Weird dream, right?

Now for my mom's dream:
Her and my dad were somewhere without me and my brother, but with a random little girl. They were buying gifts, and they went to drop them off at an old house. Then my mom was there alone, and a weird white, fuzzy (o)possum thing came into the house. She was scared, so she pushed it into a closet and locked the door.
It pushed the door open and came out. Then, she called her dad, my grampa, and told him. He said she had to lock the latch too.
So she pushed it in again and this time locked the door and the latch. The (o)possum thing opened the door again and started laughing at her.

Weird, huh?
Well, I just got back and am adding onto this post. I saw Rianna, someone else, a girl from my dance class, another someone, and someone else.
Bet that doesn't make much sense to you. It actually barely makes sense to me. 
The bad thing about the fair is that I eat too much.
I had a corn dog, half of my brother's corn dog, a whole bottle of water, some lemonade, cotton candy, a bit of funnel cake, and some french fry/chip things. Then my dad asked me if I wanted to go bungee jumping.
My reply: I would...but I just ate.
Then it started raining, so we left. We looked at cars and stuff and played games, and rode one ride. It was funtastic. 
Also, I've found ways to motivate myself for the NaNo.
1. The counter on the blog, which I'm sure you've noticed.
2. A similar counter on my wall above the light switch, made by yours truly.
3. Making The NaNo website/the blog my homepage. I haven't decided which.
4. Telling Rianna so I won't slack off.
5. Telling my mom for similar reasons.

Good list, right?
I jsut hope I can do it...That's double my maximum (ride) word count. But I have my ways. I shall try!

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