Tuesday, October 21

funny story.

I totally forgot about the hilarious story my speech teacher told. It was about these two kids who used to go to our school and decided to commit armed robbery before class. They robbed a convenience store close to the school while:

1. Wearing a school shirt
2. and using a getaway car with a school sticker on it.
One kid was talking to the guy at the register and he was holding his (school) shirt over his nose. He was holding a gun in the other hand. The register guy put the money on the counter, and the robber guy let go of his shirt, thus exposing his face, picked up the money, and pulled the shirt back up over his face. They then drove away in the car. The police came while he was in english and they threw him on the ground and cuffed him while the teacher was just standing there watching, wide eyed. They found the gun in his backpack. the kid that was with him during the robbery got scared and hid in the car, yes, the same one, in the parking lot. they found him with the gun AND the money.
It was hilarious.
I think that's all I forgot to say in my post...So,
Listening to Calling You by Blue October,

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