Thursday, October 9

Things i forgot earlier... plus XTREME BURGER (kiwi- lotio)

Hello Donut!!
Ok. First I will tell you about XTREME BURGER! (kiwi). sry. like i said, can't have anything extreme (or xtreme) without kiwis now. hilariousness. ANYWAYS! for dinner tonight i went to a restaurant called XTREME BURGER (kiwi). Some things on the menu? The Extreme Burger (kiwi), something like The Mega Ultimate Extreme Burger (kiwi), the Pizza Cheeseburger... yeah. it was totally extreme (kiwi- sry. NO there were NOT any kiwis there.) There was this weirdo psycho movie on that i recommend to NO ONE called Dummy on, and it totally scared me. But there WAS a mysterious black cloaked man with a white wig (dubbed George Washington) walking into a target in the movie... suspicious activity. lotio. Now, onto the things forgotten but now remembered. This SONG's lyrix are HILARIOUS!!! and so is the music video, apparently. ok. well, it seems that everything i forgot, and remembered, have been forgotten again. oops. what can i say, though? i have a bad memory. ok. if i remember anything else, then i'll edit it in. So in the mean time...
look out for lemons, hitchhiking forks, and rusty sporks!! (help Spoonman!)
tZvR (RIAN!!)

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