Monday, October 20

yeah, i know.

Hello Donut!!
I know i didn't change the Quackarooni post...i was too lazy. and doing homework. that's where i've been all day, by the way- doing homework. yeah. after a while, it just gets REALLY annoying and almost pointless. but, unfortunately, it must be done. super sadness... ANYWAYS! i will tell about yesterday AND today, hopefully not in a SUPERLONG version... blah. ok. YESTERDAY: dan's b-day party. went ice skating. didn't fall down, even though kristin did!!! doing hokey-pokey (what kind of name...?) stuck out her left foot (keep in mind we're still on the ice) and fell down. everyone started laughing (meaning me, kris, and friend1). kris TRIES to get up, falls back down. i almost fall down because i'm laughing so hard. oh yeah, my cow got stolen by dan's aunt for like 10 min. so sad. but i (fortunately) got it back. and whatever you do, DO NOT GO TO THE MAGICAL OVEN LAND!!!!! or the magical oven in the sky, for that matter. at least not until you're like, 195. ok. well, maybe like, 94 is a more reasonable age, eh? anywho, just don't go there till you're old. TODAY!!! i went to school. nothing happened except school. then i stayed AFTER school to do MORE homework, jsut to come home and do homework i couldn't do at SCHOOL!!! ARG!!! TOO MUCH WORK!!! so now i'm like, super... tired. but i'm ok. for a while. this song is so WEIRD!!! he goes: a long long long long long long long long long long longlonglonglongl-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-long! and then repeats it. weirdo. it's called sometimes in the fall by Phoenix. that's a weird word. looks like it should be pronounced foe-nix. but it's fee-nix. SO WEIRD!!! but things have basically been either weird or super tiring today, so it's to be expected. alright, i'm all done for now!!!
Look out for lemons, hitchhiking forks, and rusty sporks!! (help Spoonman!!)
tZvR (RIAN!!)

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