Monday, March 2

Dark Days in Monkey City *as said by Darth Vader*

^^^ not really a vid- just a pic of one!

ANYWAY... major woohoo-age. :D i made that up today. cuz i pointed something out to kristin on the way home, and she said "woohoo" so i said, "yep. major woohoo-age." :) it's really fun. makes me thing "MAJOR PWNAGE" so i'm like, whatever. sooo... TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge & Skills) tomorrow- totally not looking forward to it. on the up side: i have like, ALL day to read & i can carry all my stuff in my duffle bag instead of having to carry that & my backpack- as i usually do. also, NO GEOMETRY OR SPEECH!!! WOOHOOAGE! :) on the down side: i have all day to read. :( that'll get boring after a while, so i'll end up bringing like, 4 books. & i might finish all of them too, in the time i have left over. also, STUPID GEOGRAPHY & ENGLISH! I DON'T WANA GO TO UR CLASSES!!! >:o grr. but hey- TAKS is SUPER UBER easy... especially READING. jeez. you don't even really have to READ. just look at the question & go back to find it in the passage! >.>;; but i hate how some people take FOREVER doing it so we can't talk. there's like, an HOUR- every time, i'm sure- in which EVERYONE is done EXCEPT ONE PERSON & everyone gets mad at them. but i guess that's how it is in Texas. You get bored, you get mad at someone for making you bored? not really for me- but i don't know... texas is a pretty big state...
Rian (is gonna keep reading the awesome manga she's reading) :D

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