Tuesday, June 22

Ich heisse Superfantastisch!
Ich trinke schampus mit lachfisch!
Ich heisse su-per-fan-tas-tisch!

Hahaha Franz Ferdinand is amazing. That's from 'Darts of Pleasure', by the way :)
And no, I won't tell you what that means. It's nothing bad, or I wouldn't have said it :P
Rian (ich heisse Superfantastisch!)

5 people were awesome enough to comment.:

Kris said...

Archduke Franz Ferdinand? Who started World War 1?

Rian said...

No, the band, silly :P
And hey- are you getting not my texts again?! D:

Rian said...

And Mrs. Anderson will kill you if she sees this. So will Dr. Igo. Franz Ferdinand did NOT start the war, he was only a spark leading to the war. There were many other major causes for the war, so please do not make me give you my DBQ over it :P

Kris said...

No...I haven't gotten any texts. D:
Oops. I apologize for my dire history mistake. It is summer. Please forgive me o awesome teachers.

Rian said...

hahahaha they both liked you, so i think they'll accept your apology. Well... Dr. Igo might try to intimidate you first, but I think you'll be fine :)
Um. So you should text me. Maybe that'll work??