Sunday, July 20


Do you like chicken? Go to Coopie's for all your chicken needs. They have chicken statues, pictures of chicken, murals of chicken, chicken fried chicken, and a VIP dining room. So here we go, I will (in detail) describe this restaurant. Inside all of the windows and on the awning, there are statues, or models, of chickens. When you come inside, the first thing you see is a little counter with windows covered in chicken drawings by little kids. Also, there is a chicken (model) there named Phred. No kidding. Then, if you move a little to the right, there is a cage hanging from the ceiling with a model chicken with a purple and white polka dot bikini on. If you look at the ceiling, you will see chicken heads and feet coming out, as though someone had thrown them up there. On the far wall, there was a mural with a cowboy and an indian riding on chickens, while holding drumsticks in their hands. On the menu, pretty much everything has chicken. Like on the breakfast part, they had Waffles... with chicken fried chicken. I mean, who would eat that?!?! well, probably someone, if it's on there... But I will give you something- they make DELICIOUS cinnamon rolls. so good... and their biscuits are pretty good too... yeah. so go to Coopie's and eat some chicken.

Watch out for lemons~!

PS: I was looking for pictures of this place, and SAW THIS ON THE INTERNET!!! awesome! (but this was AFTER i had already posted this- it's been editted.)

1 people were awesome enough to comment.:

Rian said...

sorry that's so hard to read! just highlight it- it's easier!