Monday, July 28

Tomorrow's... well... Today's word...

Hello, Donut!
So, on Mondays (which is tomorrow for me, but today when you are reading this), I am going to have Private Cello Lessons in the mornings from 9-9:45. I don't want my daily posts to be later than usual, so I'm going to do them the day before, so then they will appear on the day and at the time i want it to! I'm gonna see about 9:02 or so... hehe, I like unusual times. 9:02 sounds important for some reason, anyway... ok, so yeah. Back to the point. The word of the day is:

LYSSOPHOBIA- a fear of rabies or going mad

Ok. I'm scared of getting rabies, and have a small fear of going mad, but I think people (in cartoons, anyway) are funny when they have rabies, and I go mad everyday. So yeah. I'm obviously not a lyssophobe. Ok.
Look out for lemons!
Rian (Emi-chan)

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