Okay...I haven't had a post with a point for a while now. So here goes nothing (NUMBER STYLE!)
Sunday, November 30
Post with a point
From the mind of Kris at 3:47 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
I WIN!!! I FINALLY FINISHED THAT STUPID WASTE-OF-TIME OF AN ENGLISH REVIEW OVER THE HARDEST PLAY EVER!(so far anyway) JULIUS CAESAR. GAH WOOHOO! now i just have to go do every other stupid waste of time projects... darn. so much for a celebration. now i just ruined my mood. happy that i FINALLY finished that review (took me all Thanksgiving break ((wednesday thru sunday))), only to go do all my other projects. that i REALLY don't feel like doing. gah. oh well... i won't do them then! yay!!! :)
From the mind of Rian at 1:50 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Saturday, November 29
"I'm going to be gone for two years."
From the mind of Kris at 11:43 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
tis my new word... sorry i'm not here much anymore. stupid english study guide... but i'm almost done!! yay! only 53 more questions!!! i know, it's a lot, but considering there were over 300 (i'm guessing here) it's pretty good. gah. i still need to memorize a whole passage in Julius Caesar... why is his name spelled like that?! Caesar... i think it should be spelled ceaser. just because it's a long e sound, so ... ok. lost my train of thought. dinner time. i had spaghetti. that's a weird word too. spaghetti. like, spag hettee. i SHOULD be spugetty. yay! i like spugetty. that's fun. ok. now i'm just being random... and i don't feel like being random. so...
From the mind of Rian at 8:41 PM 1 people were awesome enough to comment.
Friday, November 28
"Continue driving until I say you are lost."
Okay...Thanksgiving was pretty fun, but also pretty weird. We visited my uncle who used to live in Germany, and there were a bunch of random people that I didn't know, all speaking German. It kind of freaked me out. Before we ate, I walked to the park with my cousins, brother and mom. One of my cousins was antisocil and only talked to my mom, and the other two were hyper. Then we were forced to eat outside, which I hate, and a bunch of hilarious stuff happened.
From the mind of Kris at 7:47 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Wednesday, November 26
People who have problems using punctuation annoy me.
I found this on one MX user's page.
From the mind of Kris at 6:48 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
I hate biology. and geometry. and english.
dumb teachers gave us homework over the break!!! GAH!
now i have to do like, 3 projects- one for each of those classes, while having THREE DIFFERENT THANKSGIVINGS this week!!! erg. now i have to do homework instead of stuffing my face and talking with people i haven't seen in forever. aoiawgoiadegoiaswnhgolgsw. see?! that's how mad i am. i've resorted to talking gibberish nonsense. loti rambled jonsense. so today, i have to go do research for bio project, then do research and somehow START my geom project, then answer like, a bajillion questions on my english thingy. gah- worst thanksgiving break EVER.
i'm now super depressed... hopefully christmas break will be better.
From the mind of Rian at 10:11 AM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
GUESS WHAT?! I FOUND FANG!! Well, not me. But I found some people talking about who would be a good Fang. And he's amazing! Really. I guess I should post the picture....Here:
From the mind of Kris at 12:17 AM 2 people were awesome enough to comment.
Tuesday, November 25
turkey day reviews!
I can't stand it when people talk about things they don't know. Someone left a review about my fanfiction:
Texas is not near the Ocean; it's near the Gulf of Mexico, which connects to
the Atlantic Ocean by Florida. I think it has a tropical climate. I know
Louisiana does. I had to do a report on Louisiana a while back.
From the mind of Kris at 1:37 PM 2 people were awesome enough to comment.
I'm happy, i'm feeling glad. I've got sunshine, in a bag.
i'm useless, but not for long- the future, is coming on. loti that's Clint Eastwood by the Gorillaz, by the way. anyway, i got out of school about an hour ago, (yay!) and i was happy. am still happy- don't worry, the bad mood's almost all gone. THANKZGIVING BREAK!!! YESh, which reminds me of those capri sun commercials, strangely. which makes me think- WHY do people insist on Thanksgiving NOT being a holiday? You may not think you do, but if you put up Christmas lights BEFORE Thanksgiving, before NOVEMBER even, to me it signifies a rush. A rush to get to Christmas. Because people are greedy and all they can think about is what they want to get as a present. Or who they want to get the present from. blah blah blah. RESPECT THE TURKEY. RESPECT IT! loto capri sun commercials rock. ya know what i'm saying? if not... go HERE to find out. yeah. now my bad mood is making a come back. DARN IT! i was already to be all happy/cheery cuz of our 5 day weekend, but NO. NO NO NO. arg. i'm a pirate. loti. ok.
tZvR (go to MAXIMUM X PEOPLE!!! it's totally AWESOME!!!!)
i'm sorry. the person i'm talking to will know what i'm talking about. The rest of you can be confused about it if you like... loti. oh, also for my friend: maximum-x and the blog
From the mind of Rian at 1:31 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Monday, November 24
The world has problems.
I'm in a bad mood. And it's not helping that stupid idiots can't even make correctly timed videos to the FEW songs that I don't know the lyrics to. And then random people just stop talking to me without any reason. They just leave.
From the mind of Kris at 4:51 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
What the HECK was THAT?!
i REALLY don't know. loti ok. i'm talking about a dream i had...
I did my best to notice, when the car came down the line. Up to the platform
of surrender, I was brought but I was trying. Because tonight will be the night
that I will fall for Human, over again.
From the mind of Rian at 6:00 AM 1 people were awesome enough to comment.
Sunday, November 23
i am going to have 4 Thanksgivings. no kidding. I had ONE today, then one Thursday, actual turkey day, and then one Friday, and one i DIDN'T know about, on Saturday. yeah. it was good food. and now we're watching Star Wars Episode 1. yeah. very interesting. this is a short post. yeah. IF YOU HAVE MAXIMUM X CHAT WITH ME!!! lol. YIPPEE!!! that's what anakin said. loti. ok
From the mind of Rian at 7:40 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
my dream.
Yes, I'm still gone, but I borrowed my dad's laptop to post about my dream because I'll probably forget by the time I get home. It was one of the weirest dreams I've ever had in my life, and that's saying something.
So I was running around a park thing with Rianna, and there were all these signs saying stuff like, "Rian and Kris rule!" Then we randomly won a contest and were shipped off to a haunted house on some island in South America. But Rianna wasn't even with me in the Haunted house. It was me, my brother, and some other random people. So we all went to sleep, and slept on the couch together because we were scared, except fr one kid. He slept in some random bedroom with the door closed. So in the morning, I woke up and went to wake him up. He got out of bed and was closing his door, when the house started filling with water. It was a two story house, and it was filling up house. So I grabbed one of those foldy tables and smashed the window to let the water out. But then the lady who owned the house got mad at me for breaking her window and she started throwing dishes and stuff at me. So I was trying to protect myself with the table, but it had become soft, like a blanket. Then I started whipping the lady with it and she kept getting mad, then she disappeared. That was the end of the dream.
Yep..It was very weird. Well, I'd better go now. We have to check out of the hotel at noon and hopefully we get to go to the Barnes and Noble! It's awesome and has two stories.
From the mind of Kris at 11:12 AM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Saturday, November 22
maximum-x. rocks. my. two. different. socks.
yeah, i'm wearing two different socks, you got a problem with that!?
anyway, i have lots of new online friends and it's totally fun!!! yay for awesome friends!
i'm not going to list them all... that'd take forever. but there's sable & ku-chan... they're fun, here's the blog that i will put with the other blogs later. clicky. (it's not really theirs, but i only know them so...) Then there's spazzi who has an awesome site that i can't remember right now. sorry spazz. so yeah. ok. lots of random boring things to do today (HOMEWORK!) so i'll keep it short.
From the mind of Rian at 11:05 AM 1 people were awesome enough to comment.
short post
Leaving. Will not be back until sunday night when I will have to write a five minute speech about stretching. Must go eat donuts. Will post Sunday night.
From the mind of Kris at 10:14 AM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Friday, November 21
more weirdness
Okay...I found my phone. In the pantry. For real.
From the mind of Kris at 4:34 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
From the mind of Kris at 3:55 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Ridiculously Awesome
My story (the short way):
Kristin and her dog were walking in the park and sat down on the bench
across from me. She pulls out her notebook and pencil and starts reading. i start reading MR (The Angel Experiment) and i go and describe all the
characters (max, fang, iggy, nudge, gazzy, angel, jeb, & ari). Kristin
then beckons me over to her bench, and we start talking about how inhumane The School is. Then she tells me to read her story. It was about an adverse group of people in a transparent airplane. It hits turbulance, so they summon a giant chimera that burgeons and it saves the plane from being obliterated. The people climb down the giant chimera and successfully dissuaded a miser from cutting down the plant. and they gave him the antidote for his illness. then they traveled through the village and installed suffrage. they figured out that the village
was on the edge of a cliff when one of the more stoic people in the group fell off. what people didn't know was that one of the fatuous people in the group wanted to save him and fell off afterwards. the recluse who lived at the bottom of the cliff went and brought the bodies back up. then the people didn't know what to do with the hermit- should they let him in the village, should they not? so some of the villagers climbed up to the top of the chimera with him and then they pushed him off, and then the other villagers were mad at them. Finally, a random pirate comes and gives them a clue for them and they acertain that doom is going to come to their village, and then a giant came, by instructions of the pirate, and squished the village. the end.ah! it's messed up! so yeah, that was my story in SL- we needed to use
45 vocab words and i didn't know half of them... loti. most of them aren't in
there though. but anyway, in bio my lab partners and i (we sit three to a table)
found a piece of paper and made a game out of it. if i ever get it, then i'll take pictures of it and post it. totally awesome. in espanol, we were talking about puppies(cachorros) and someone said cuchara (spoon). yeah. then on the bus EVERYONE was randomly riding, so it was really weird and i had to sit all the way in the back. with all the juniors & seniors. and my only other freshman friend went up to the front to go sit with this one guy because the guy offered. so i felt lonely and yeah. but i'm going to go watch Twilight soon! yay! i'll post about it too. ok? i won't give TOO much away... omc that was hilarious! sry- my dad's watching judge judy... and she asked this guy how he gets by (cuz he doesn't work) and he's all uhm, and she says um is not an answer. so he's all, "I uh, um, i... i... i do alright." and we burst out laughing. yeah. ok. going to get ready for kristin to come pick me up! and eat food- i almost kinda skipped lunch cuz i was working on that story. i almost didn't have enough time. so yeah. i only ate chips and a sandwich... yeah. ok.tZvR (is annoyed at this... but happy/anticipating suckiness from the movie!)
From the mind of Rian at 3:40 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Thursday, November 20
I'M OFFICIALLY DEPRESSED... but slightly happy
why? because fang's blog kinda ceases to exist. why? STOP ASKING!! sry. he's not going to post there anymore because of the new website he has. Where is it? Maximum-X. tis a mix between MR & Daniel-X, but mostly MR. because Fang's in charge, that's why. But i'm still sad. maybe i'll join them. as all you MR fans should! :] jk you don't have to, but yeah. nevermind. So that's why i'm totally depressed yet slightly happy.
Click here for Maximum-X.
From the mind of Rian at 7:48 PM 1 people were awesome enough to comment.
This is the weirdest thing I have ever read in my life. It is out of character. This person needs to be force-read these books. I will gladly do the job. None of this stuff would ever happen. Ever. Including the part where Max is super excited because she cussed more than Fang. And the part where she is mad that she got Fang for a project partner. Or the part where she faints. Or the part where Ella and Iggy are making out and Fang and Max are watching and Ella hears them abd Iggy doesn't. Or the part...
From the mind of Kris at 7:24 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
hilarious day...
This post is dedicated to Twilight Guy, the most hilarious person in my journalism class. My friends have started to question his gayness (yes i just said that) due to a few things:
From the mind of Kris at 4:22 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
that's today's word. because today was pointless. we learned some kind of proof in geometry that almost put me to sleep, in gym we just dressed out and sat around, in geography took notes we started 2 weeks ago and after lunch we had a "dance off" because the teacher left the class, and in english there was a debate between like, 4 people in the whole class. i sat there eating Cheetos (the flaming hot version) and basically not doing anything. So on the bus one of my friends told me three jokes. i'm only going to tell two, but if you REALLY want to know, cbox or comment.
Joke 1:
Two peanuts were walking down the street, and one of them was assaulted.
Joke 2:
A guy walked into a bar, sat down, and ordered his drink. The barkeeper went away to get it, and the guy hears, "Hey. Nice shirt." He looks around to see who said that, but there wasn't anyone around that could have said that. So when the barkeeper comes back, he asks, "Hey- did you see who told me 'Nice shirt'?" The barkeeper responds, "Oh yeah. It was the peanuts. They're complementary!"
get 'em? assaulted, like, a Salted? yeah. and complementary- complementary peanuts... yeah. they may be bad, but they were funny. So if you want to hear the third one, comment or cbox... and i'll probably tell kristin, so if she remembers and she happens to know, yeah. but commenting is better... unless you decide to check the cbox like, every 15 minutes... yeah. or if you happen to know my email (stalkers!) or my HOME phone number (SUPER STALKERS!) then you can reach me there. or if you have my myspace (AH!) or facebook (SUPER AH!) then yeah. YOU STALKERS!!! I'M SCARED NOW!!!!! bLaH. what can i say? I'm a paranoid person. ya never know... until you know. loti. NEVER SAY NEVER CUZ NEVER'S JUST EVER WITH AN N IN FRONT OF IT!!!! :] O.o
tZvR (is probably being stalked... even though she's at home.)
From the mind of Rian at 3:33 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Wednesday, November 19
Okay...Yen Plus update. There's a hilarious manga about a girl who wears a pig mask because she is cursed. So at the beginning, this guy goes up to her because she's randomly sleeping in his bed. And he takes off her mask, and her face looks EXACTLY the same as the mask! It was SOOOO hilarious! And apparently she has to marry him to get the curse off, but he has no idea who she is. And she keeps calling him milord. Like MY-LORD. It's called Pig Bride just in case you want to look it up.
From the mind of Kris at 6:41 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
mood o meter
yay twilight movie. i'm in a weird mood...not hyper. a couple of level down...let me draw the mood o meter
From the mind of Kris at 5:40 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
How To:
Make Scrambled Eggs!
- eggs (the number is up to you)
- a bowl
- a fork
- salt, pepper, and maybe other spices?
- a small pan thingy
- a spoon (like, a wooden or plastic ones that you would mix... idk cake mix with?)
- a stove
- milk
- cooking oil (like pam or something.. canola oil, olive oil, whatever i guess...)
Step 1: crack eggs on a hard surface.
Step 2: break the eggs into the bowl... don't get ANY SHELL in there. Just get the white & yolk... and also get your fingers gooey.
Step 3: whisk the eggs in the bowl with the fork.
Step 4: put pan thing over a flame on the stove.
Step 5: spray/pour oil stuff into the hot pan.
Step 6: Pour fork-whisked eggs into hot & oiled pan.
Step 7: Play a game. Stir the eggs around (in the pan, of course) and try to keep them from sticking everywhere. it's really fun.
Step 8: Whisk until the eggs look to be cooked to your fancy.
Step 9: turn off the fire and keep stirring until eggs stop hissing. Then put on a plate.
- Bread
- Honey/butter
- Toasteroven/Microwave (oven)
Step 1: Put bread into toaster/microwave oven on anywhere between 239-269 degrees F.
Step 2: only keep it there for around 30 seconds.
Step 3: take out... AFTER turning off whatever you used. **Caution** toast & oven thing CAN and most likely WILL be hot. (in case someone can't tell)
Step 4: put honey/butter on warm bread/toast.
idk why. i had that for breakfast this morning... yummy. and then i had ice cream. yummier. yay for xbox 360 awesome homepage place!!! woohoo!!! it's fun. ok.
tZvR (is once again pondering WHY the post HAS to be double spaced...)
From the mind of Rian at 6:26 AM 2 people were awesome enough to comment.
Tuesday, November 18
Making ATL playlist...yay!!!
From the mind of Kris at 7:06 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
That's french...it means: THE BEACH! THE BEACH!
From the mind of Kris at 7:01 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
dear maria count me in/vegas!
Today...was so off schedule! We had a fire drill during the math test, which was timed, and out bus driver had to take some kids to a field trip, so he was late this afternoon. We had to get on another bus and ride with them until our bus driver could meet us. Yupp...and guess what?! I totally discovered an awesome band! All Time Low. I was on youtube, trying to find something to listen to, and i just randomly clicked it. I like Dear Maria Count Me In best. And Vegas.
From the mind of Kris at 5:52 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
COMMAS, and other random randomness
yeah. one of my friends likes commas. so... ok. i know it's random, but do you think i care? no. not really. not at all, actually. :] ok. so i'm in a slightly better mood... all i have to do today for homework is write four cards for math (not too bad) which i already finished. now i just have to skim 411 pages in this 800 page book that i was supposed to have read by tomorrow, but of course, because i had to read it for an assignment, i read it REALLY slow. and it took me three hours to read two chapters. no kidding. so i'm skimming. yay! i like skimming... it's really fun. but then you see random things and you have NO CLUE what's going on... loti. guess what i did today!? I READ THE MAXIMUM RIDE MANGA! in kristin's YEN+ MAGAZINE!!! yay!!!!! i also read a new one for me- One Fine Day. I really like it- tis HILARIOUS!!! It's about No-ah, Rang (a mouse girl), Guru (her older brother- a cat dude), and... darn. i can't remember his name... but it's another brother and a dog boy. yeah. arg. now it's gonna bug me until I figure out his name. NANAI! i remembered. yay me! ya know, so far, i've used only 10 commas. i'm sorry, friend... that is, IF you're reading this. That'd be nice if you were... and then you could comment!! YESH! :] ok. well, i've gotta get to skimming- I wana be done before 5:30 ish... but not right now. I'm going to have a snack. If i can find one. blah. FRESHILICIOUS! sry. that was random. i just remembered it though. you know what's fun? trying to get people to say/spell honorificabilitudinitatibus (on-er-if-ick-uh-bill-ih-tood-ee-nee-tat-uh-bus). hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, too. bLaH. i like dinosaurs. i want to make a GINORMOUS chocolate chip cookie. like, i just envisioned it and EVERYTHING. it looked awesome. ok. Mr. Tummy is hungry. If Mr. Tummy no get food, he gets CRANKY. lotio. so i'm gonna go get Mr. Tummy some food... yay food!
tZvR (and one very cranky Mr. Tummy) :]
From the mind of Rian at 4:07 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Monday, November 17
Is there really a point?
no. homework has NO POINT except to make poor children work really hard on stuff they probably don't even understand, so that way their heads can explode later on in the day. If only we had some kind of method that was less painful- like... idk. getting hooked up to a machine that put information in your head. Then, you don't have to worry about doing ANYTHING. you just KNOW things. that would work out pretty well for all us poor children who have to go to something called high school/college. Because really, elementary and middle school aren't all that bad. it's just learn the basics, and relearn the basics. high school is: learn new things and relearn things in more confusing ways that no one can really understand. college, i really don't know about, since i haven't been there yet, but i would assume that if you actually work, it can be pretty pointless. just like all school. yeah. i just got done with random busy work vocabulary homework over words I already knew.
tZvR (is still in a bad mood...)
From the mind of Rian at 10:31 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
From the mind of Kris at 8:06 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Jeez, i have like five posts in a row today...so it really makes no sense for me to be posting another one...but i randomly remembered something.
From the mind of Kris at 6:06 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Oh yeah. You have GOT to read this story. I was reading the new chapter late last night and I got in trouble for laughing so much. It was the absolute funniest thing I had ever read in my entire life. I swear. It was awesome. I guess I should give you the link now, shouldn't I?
From the mind of Kris at 5:09 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
I jsut got the magazine Yen Plus! And guess what it has in it?! Maximum Ride!! Rianna, I'll bring it tomorrow so we can read. It's already into the story, but we've read the book, so we know what's happening. Oh my gosh, I'm excited. So excited that I stopped in the middle of the story to type this.
From the mind of Kris at 4:43 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
I kept my promise
YEah. The one guy on the bus read a little bit in the middle of the story, and the other guy has my notebook. After some careful thinking on the bus, I have figured out why I dislike people reading my writing, especially random people I don't know. But I won't tell you. MWAHAHA!
From the mind of Kris at 4:11 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Sunday, November 16
oh yeah...
I can't believe I forgot the most important thing!
From the mind of Kris at 6:57 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
today had to be one of the most BORING and TIRING and POINTLESS days of my WHOLE LIFE. I guess this post is going to be a rant on homework, cuz that's what i did ALL DAY LONG!! i JUST NOW finished all my biology, math and only HALF of my english cuz that's all i feel like doing. I don't have to have it done til Tuesday, so i will do the other half tomorrow. but i STARTED my homework at... 10:15ish this MORNING and FINISHED at 5:20. and i only had an hour break because we went to my uncle's house, and it's a 30 min trip from here to there. and since we drove there and back... well, i think (HOPE) you get the point. it's TOTALLY UNFAIR how much homework we get. see- last year, we got... idk, 32 problems for math and we complained. this year, we get 12 problems and it's a NIGHTMARE. not even kidding. i hate school- i really want to know what is wrong with those who like it. and WHY they like it. if it's just because you get to hang out with friends, ok. i'm cool with that. but if it's because you get to WORK... well... maybe you should visit a mental hospital? jk. loti- i'm not THAT mean. at least, i HOPE i'm not that mean. i TRY not to be mean... ok. this is just getting repetitive. also, it didn't help that i couldn't spell anything today. i obviously can't type either... anytime there's a word with u then s in it (because, obviously), the s comes first, then the u. so the word becomes becasue or obviosuly. yeah. see, my brother's over here playing Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (good game, i must add) and I'm over here until 5:30, when I will read my book for SL that I have to have finished by Wednesday... that i'm only on page like, 263/ 800 on... yeah. i have to at least get to page 687 or so TODAY, so that way I can finish the other...113 pages tomorrow & tuesday. argy arg arg malarky. yeah... bLaH. i guess i should stop wasting time and do something fun before I leave the computer pretty much permenantly for the day... GERGENSCHNIEL!! I HATE SCHOOL AND TEACHERS (except Kristin's mom... and KIND OF my SL teacher...) AND HOMEWORK AND POINTLESS THINGS AND DIFFICULT THINGS AND ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grrr... now i'm in a bad mood. and will probably STAY in a PERMENANT bad mood til THANKSGIVING BREAK... or at least til Friday, when the horrible Twilight movie will come out, and I'm probably going to go see it. bLaH. Any words of encouragement/ cheering up or whatever would be nice, but i really don't CARE. cuz i'm in a bad mood.
tZvR ("Notorious, I'll squish you like a jelly bean. i'm BAD." -I'm Bad, L.L. Cool J.)
From the mind of Rian at 5:20 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
It's not even noon yet and today is already going down the crazy road.
From the mind of Kris at 11:36 AM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Saturday, November 15
That's my new word. I randomly made it up today when I needed something to say. Today...was a weird day. My mom got mad at me multiple times, I'm having other problems, and someone is trying to persuade me to go to the winter ball, even though i kinda don't really want to. But I don't know yet. And he got mad because I didn't go to the football game to watch him dance. Apparently it was epic.
From the mind of Kris at 11:25 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
I had the weirdest dream...
From the mind of Kris at 12:08 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Another one...
A new band has come to my attention: Cobra Starship. and by finding them on pandora, The Academy Is... . yeah. i know, but what can i say? I like music. almost always listening to it. and if i'm not, i'm playing some song over and over and over (and over) in my head. or i'm humming. or singing. yeah. kk, i guess, maybe, JUST MAYBE, someone out there wants to know WHO THE HECK COBRA STARSHIP IS. well, then click the following words to find some random info and songs!
Send My Love to the Dancefloor (lyrics are better than the actual vid... trust me.)
Guilty Pleasure (once again, lyrics are better! then you can sing along!)
check out other songs!
ok... so The Academy Is... i'll see if I can find some good songs by them. let's see:
You Might Have Noticed
Chop Chop
There. My duty is done... for now.
tZvR (the musical brains)
From the mind of Rian at 8:11 AM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Friday, November 14
Okay, so today was pretty good, i guess...until i lost my pencil had to borrow a stupid squeaky one because i didn't have any more lead, then had to write with a pen, which I hate.
From the mind of Kris at 5:19 PM 1 people were awesome enough to comment.
DISCURSIVENESS!!! (it's a fun word, what can i say?)
right now i'm listening to a sadish song. ok. it's pretty depressing, actually. but i like it. so i listen to it. i know. random. but not as random as this one girl was when she told me i sucked because i had a book... it was WEIRD. and FREAKY. and RANDOM. and IN MATH!!! ok. i'll stop talking about school... i've noticed that. all of our posts are centered around school. is life really THAT BORING where all we can talk about is SCHOOL, of all places?! AH! so i will talk about something else. like the long awaited Twilight movie. woohoo. it's gonna be HORRIBLE!! YAY!! hehe... you see, i was having some pretty high expectations for this movie- that is until i saw Cedric Diggory, Sharkboy, and Sophie (from Jumper)... did you know Charlie was from Law & Order?! Geez. that lowered my standards... and the trailor... O MY GOSH! could you get ANY MORE DRAMATIC?! ok... don't answer that. i REALLY don't wana know. but still. i was pretty sad. So i decided i was going to go watch it with a bunch of my friends on premier night, which happens to be in SEVEN DAYS!!! WOOHOO!! i've dubbed it: The Movie Everyone's Going to Hate, But Will Watch Anyway. yesh. ... ok... lots of elipses, eh? loti, if you don't know, elipses are these: ... . yeah. lots of random assentish words too. hehe that's a word i just made up off the top of my head. speaking of words, i declare a poll type thing. Personally, i vote yes, but it's up to you. it's a totally awesome word, by the way. (Fresh-ih-lish-iss)
From the mind of Rian at 3:57 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Thursday, November 13
too much hilariousness
go here... tis FUNNY!!! ok.. go HERE
the lady reminds me of that one lady who does the ERICA commercials... loti
tZvR (idk WHY, but i find the need to sign all my posts... even though it says in the little thingy at the bottom of the post... yeah.)
From the mind of Rian at 8:59 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
This is going to be shuper short and quick because I have stuff to do.
From the mind of Kris at 4:29 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Big words
Discursive = Nudge & I
Laconic, Taciturn, and Terse = Fang
those are the only words i've made associations to with people/ characters out of books. i really am discursive though... but not as much as this guy out of this book i'm reading... wana see? here's a passage!! or five...
"A track which has a ditch on each side of it is called a road. Yes, gentlemen. Now, do you know what a ditch is? A ditch is an excavation on which several people work. It is a hollow. Yes. They work with picks. Now, do any of you know what a pick is?""He stopped officers on the street and engaged them in unendingly long conversations about omelettes, the sun, thermometers, doughnuts, windows and postage stamps."
"At a banquet in the officers' club Colonel Kraus von Zillergut (the guy who is discursive) said quite out of the blue, when there had been mention of Schiller: 'Now, gentlemen, I saw a steam plough yesterday. It was driven by a locomotive, but mark my words, gentlemen, not just by one locomotive, but by two. I see the smoke, I come nearer and there is one locomotive and on the other side another. Tell me, gentlemen, is't that funny? Two locomotives, as though one were not enough.' He was silent for a moment and then remarked: 'When the petol in the car is used up it has to stop. I saw that yesterday too. And then they talk nonsense about perpeetual motion, gentlemen! It doesn't go, it stands still, it doesn't move, it hasn't got petrol. Isn't that funny?'"
that guy totally confused me, and now i can't get the whatchamacallit working right again. it's all... over in the middle. the paragraph thingys. idk. and it's centered... WHY?! i didn't DO anything!!! don't you hate it when you know what someone ELSE is saying, but when they say something and you feel like you should say something, you don't know what you're talking about? sorry... this is really random. loti in geo one time i told my friend she was really random and then asked her if she wanted a grape. cuz i like grapes. yay for grapes!! loti that's random too... oh well. i'm gonna go have some snickerdoodle cookies now... they're my favorite. and if you're wondering why i'm not gonna go eat grapes, it's because i already HAD grapes today... and we finished that scary movie with the lions... yeah. REMINGTON DIED!!! AHH!!! not cool. and John had this dream that his wife & kid came to africa (like they had planned to) and then a lion attacked them and ate them. everyone was scared, but i was angry at the lady for not listening to John... yeah. so John killed the lions (thank goodness!) and because it was based off a true story (AH!) the actual lions are in a museum in Chicago. the movie is called The Ghost and the Darkness, for anyone who wants to watch it. pretty awesome!!! ok. food time now. this is long.
tZvR (is really confused, as usual- and can't type. Arg!)
From the mind of Rian at 3:13 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Wednesday, November 12
maybe i'll elaborate on this later. but for now, i have to finish typing up cornell notes (idk how you're supposed to do that, but i just made a table and am filling it in) and type at least a few pages of kristin's story... that i have to come up with a title for. then i have to go read a book that i'm on page 210ish or so out of 800, that i have to have read by next wednesday. fun fun, eh? loti. ok. so i was just stopping by... just cuz kristin would get mad at me if i skipped today, even if i were busy. so yeah... have you noticed that most of my titles are not even words? it's just frustrated muttering sounds. weird. but i couldn't come up with a better name for them (or the posts) so i just went with it... yeah. ok.
tZvR (reporting for duty!)
From the mind of Rian at 7:02 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
questions and stuff
Today I realized for the first time that one of my characters is modeled after a person in real life. I didn't realize it until then, but they really are very much alike. It's kind of weird, especially since I didn't do it on purpose.Yeah...you shall NEVER know who it is. :)
From the mind of Kris at 4:56 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Tuesday, November 11
...i hate biology.
ok, not really, but i DO hate (is a strong word, but i reallyreallyreally don't like you!) sry. i'm gonna be having random pieces of songs in my posts probably... anyway, i reallyreallyreally don't like my bio teacher. here's what she's making us do:
- Dupont essays
- Current Events
- Biome Projects
- Review for Test on 17th
- and she's probably going to squeeze 3408240 labs in there.
arg. too much! same with english and the teacher's BUSY WORK!! i guess she doesn't really have a lesson plan- we were GOING to start Julius Caesar, but some random teacher had to come in and say we couldn't start that until AFTER Christmas break, so we have BUSY WORK to do up until next semester. arg!!! i think the last grading period (since we don't have 6 weeks anymore... stupid grading cycles with it's 5-6-5 first semester & 7-6-7 second semester!!) gergenschniell!!! arg. bleh. wOw. i just realized that i used to say something else all the time, but i can't remember because i've been saying arg the whole time. YAY!! i love THIS song... Come Out & Play by the Offspring. actually, i love like, lots of songs. want a list? no? too bad.
The Offspring:
- come out and play
- you're gonna go far kid
- why don't you get a job?
The Killers:
- Somebody told me
- when you were young
- human (it's DANCER, not DENSER)
- Mr. Brightside
Papa Roach:
- Forever
- Getting away with murder
- last resort
Modest Mouse:
- Float On
- The Ocean Breathes Salty
- Troublemaker
- Say it ain't so
- my name is jonas
- Undone (the sweater song)
ok. i only feel like posting those songs... too lazy to go look at anymore. blah. oh wait- there's also:
Cut Off Your Hands
- You and I
- Expectations
- Still Fond
Honest Bob and the Factory-To-Dealers Incentives
- I get by
Snow Patrol
- Take back the city
- i like lots of songs by them but can't remember the names.
now i'm not gonna post anymore... maybe tomorrow!
tZvR (figured you guys would need a longer post to make up for her lack of being here)
From the mind of Rian at 7:06 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
oh yeah, i totally forgot!
From the mind of Kris at 5:23 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
School sucks...oh well
I've had wayy too much homework. And I forgot that my biology current event was due. And my English teacher totally hates our class. Here's what we did in that class.
From the mind of Kris at 4:48 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Monday, November 10
I'm sorry...
i know, i haven't posted in like, 2 days. here's MY weekend:
- totally bored & did basically NOTHING. yay.
- played rockband a few times.
- did pretty much nothing. again. i know, i'm boring.
- played rockband again: endless setlist- finished it- yay!
- did boring homework.
Right now:
- multitasking- watching heroes, listening to THIS song (which i love: I Get By by Honest Bob and the Factory-To-Dealers Incentives-i know, long name, but they're totally cool), AND posting.
- i will then talk to kristin in 3 different places, just because we can.
- i'm also randomly laughing at jason. with his scary toilet. lotio.
yeah. that's pretty much all... NNOOO!!! SYLAR'S GONNA KILL HIMSELF!? NNOOOO!!!! sry. i told you- i'm watching Heroes!!! awesome show!
From the mind of Rian at 8:12 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Okay, i found two random people singing Fall For You on youtube...they're not especially good at least by my standards. I think the first one is better, but he sounds kinda gay...ish.
From the mind of Kris at 7:12 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
This weekend was super boring at first but then it got really really interesting, which prevented me from writing, which is going to make this post really long.
From the mind of Kris at 4:09 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Saturday, November 8
I swear, this is the most hilarious thing i've ever read.
It's also very well written.
From the mind of Kris at 11:43 PM 1 people were awesome enough to comment.
Making this the title so Rian won't get confused.
From the mind of Kris at 10:14 AM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Friday, November 7
i have mixed feelings.
the short overview:
got a cool song in orchestra today. watched parasite movie in bio. watched cool and then scary movie in SL. was superbored in spanish.
the LOOOOOOOONG overview:
got a cool song in orchestra. it's easy, but hey- i'm not complaining.
the movie in bio was HILARIOUS!! i mean, the movie ITSELF wasn't... ok, fine. it was. but it was depressing. but i was laughing the whole time (no, not at the people on the video... that'd be so mean!) at the people who were ew-ing the whole time. and how fake it was when they showed worms. so hilarious.
had stupid A-lunch today. it's the first one, meaning it's at 10:42!!! arg! it was so annoying... i just ate an apple and am STILL HUNGRY!!! argy arg arg garg.
we had started a cool movie in SL... can't remember what it's called. takes place in this African village called Tsavo... on the River Tsavo. yeah. It was pretty cool at first- engineer goes to the place of his dreams (Africa) because he is to build a bridge. Meets cool people - Samuel & Angus- and kills a lion with a single shot. then meets Mahina. THEN, once we were all, oh yeah, this is gonna be awesome! some LION has to come in the middle of the night, DRAG Mahina through SAWGRASS, and DRINK HIS BLOOD!!!!!! so scary. then, when Samuel, Angus, and engineer dude (John) go to hunt it, ANOTHER one has to show up and KILL ANGUS! because it was on a ROOF and jumped down and LANDED ON ANGUS!! AAAHHHH!!! then, John went on a lion hunt with Remington (guy who travels the world- hunter- his name is a gun name cuz his family made the guns) and the Masi tribe. THEN, just when things couldn't get ANY scarier or worse, the gun given to John by the doctor guy (David) MISFIRES!! AND THE LION WAS LESS THAN 10 FEET AWAY!!!!!!!!!!! so Remington saves the day. thankfully. and we can only assume that for some reason, David wants John dead. but then again, he hasn't really liked him from the start, so...
then my spanish teacher got mad at us and made us correct a quiz. and we did boring things. i have to draw a picture. and then we have quizzes on tuesday. arg.
From the mind of Rian at 4:58 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
I agree with Rianna...this week has been super boring and slow. The only interesting thing that happened was that I got mad at someone (on the inside, of course. i never yell at people), even though what they said wasn't offensive in any way. I think I'm just in a bad mood. So to make up for this mood, I am going to write, eat, watch tv, write more, eat more, and play tetris. By the way, if anyone wants to play, the totally awesome site I play it on is this:
From the mind of Kris at 3:27 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.
Thursday, November 6
does NOTHING HAPPEN?! this week has been SO SLOW and it's REALLY ANNOYING!!! has it been extremely slow for anyone else? like, it felt like it should already be friday on monday... arg. argy arg arg. blahbiddy blah blah malarky. googleah. bloopsy! idk. making random noises. because i'm bored. someone tell me something interesting!!! like how i haven't done an insanity post!!! AHH!! oh well... i already put the one thing up that i would've eventually insanity posted about, so yeah. have anything insane? comment. tell me about it. please? it will make like SO much more interesting... or at least this week... please? peas and carrots? per favora? por favor? si vous plate? (i don't have the little accent thingys here... sry) uuhhh... easeplay? :) idk how else to say please... i mean, i only know so many languages!!! as much as my already overloaded brain can handle!!! ahhh!!!! ok. i'll stop being... what was the word?... started with a d i think... i was right. the word i'm looking for is discursive. i'll stop being discursive. it means rambling. yeah. i'm a nerd. who's a nerd? I AM!!! loti. ok. stopping the discursive-ness.
From the mind of Rian at 6:48 PM 2 people were awesome enough to comment.
I feel like a giver upper.
I'm totally unfocused and stressed right now...so I don't know if I'm going to do NaNo...maybe next year? Because I really need to finish what I'm writing right now and there's too much homework and projects and stuff like that going on right now...Arg.
I'm writing a story about Bella Swankins. Isn't it beautiful? And she falls in love with a vegetarian vampire that sparkles in the sunlight and loves her sooo much and has marble skin!
That's almost as good as my story about Farry Fotter.
I'm writing one about Bunny the Umpire Slayer.
I decided to write Peragon.
Sounds like one epic novel to me
Oh, and I also wrote one about Tinnochio yesterday it was pretty awesome.
It'll be a movie, then a TV show that lasts for 7 years, and then a comic book series.
I wrote about sixty books in a series called Bedwall.
I've written a story about a girl named Fanny Hotter! She has a scar in the shape of a star on her buttocks.
But Peragon has a dragon named Diamonda, and an hot elf chick named Narya.
Well.... Bella Swankins can see Russia from her house!!
... Actually thats Farah Balin
Yeah, well, Bella Swankins doesn't go to Pigpimple's School for Kids With Magic Skillz!
This has actually inspired me to start writing a story about a girl named Fanny Hotter with a star-scar on her buttocks and attends Pigpimple's School For Kids With Magic Skillz and is fighting off the evil that is Moldyshorts!
& Finny! And Fon! And Germione! and Sumblesore, and Horge, so many characters! And Ralfoy. Ralf for short.
and Love Lunagood
We should also have someone named Susie Marie, or something like that.
She was cursed when she was little so that her eyes change color with her mood.She's also part of the Order of the Ostrich and in a prophecy about birthdays with a boy named Deville.
and she pwnz at magic and has a love affair with snape and harry and ron and draco all at the same time!
You mean Kape and Farry and Fon and Treyco.
Oh yeah, and she should kill nilicent, germione, and hinny.
Oh yeah, and she should also sceretly be angsty cuz she's Lord moldypant's aunt's sister's daughter's cousin's dog's friend's second cousin's kid.
And she will single-handedly put a stop to Moldyshorts and all the Meth-Eaters.
And this is what people talk about on the Neopets writers board...yeah. I jsut ate a twix...they are the best candy ever! Okay, going to eat or something...I have no idea. Oh! An email!
From the mind of Kris at 4:56 PM 0 people were awesome enough to comment.